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Introduction to Industry 4.0

At PointPub Média Communications, we’re constantly on the lookout for new and evolving technologies. Industry 4.0 obviously doesn’t fly under our radar. In fact, some of our customers have already begun to benefit from its advantages: IT monitoring, process automation, and more.

The changing world of industry

It’s hard to sum up some 250 years of industrial history in just a few lines. Today’s world is a logical evolution of all the industrial revolutions that preceded it.

We have gone through the advent of mechanization, coal and steam power, electricity, gas and oil, new means of communication such as the telephone, then the Internet, new means of transport with the automobile and the airplane, and so on. Each industrial revolution, each period, has brought new improvements to the way we do things. We’ve reached a point where it’s no longer enough to add a more efficient machine to improve our results. We have to take advantage of digital technologies to multiply the effects!

What does Industry 4.0 offer?

Industry 4.0 is about using digital technologies to improve, optimize and increase productivity and product quality… In short, it’s about our ways of doing things becoming intelligent.

The possibilities are numerous:

  • Real-time monitoring of your equipment, at every stage or manufacturing station;
  • Prevention of future failures or repairs;
  • Data collection at every stage of production;
  • Data analysis, fact-based decision-making;
  • Centralization of information;
  • Simplification, standardization;
  • Device and software connectivity;

When we talk about Industry 4.0, we’re not just talking about the manufacturing sector. It can mean eliminating paper altogether within your company, or connecting everything to the Internet, whether it’s exchanges with your various contacts or through e-commerce. Industry 4.0 can take place at different levels of complexity.

Is your company ready to make the technological shift? To remain competitive in tomorrow’s world, many companies will have to follow suit before they are quickly overtaken. Our specialists can help you implement the technologies you need to achieve your goals. Find out more!