On January 28, 2023: World Data Privacy Day

On January 28, 2023, it’s World Data Privacy Day! At PointPub Media, we take this very seriously! To begin, do you know what information is considered personal? Obviously, certain pieces of data need to be combined for a scammer to make use of them, but it’s essential to avoid disclosing them at all costs. Here […]

What is the most commonly stolen item in businesses today?

”Time”. Nowadays, everything is more accessible with technology. Some employees have internet usage justified by their work and authorized by their employer. When an employee spends a lot of time browsing the web or accessing social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. for personal reasons, their performance and work quality are affected. Your employer could […]

When is the right time to invest in cybersecurity?

NOW ! Do you know about the new Law 25, or perhaps Bill 64? The bill was adopted on September 21, 2021, at the National Assembly of Quebec, fourteen months after its initial presentation. This means that the bill has been officially adopted and is ready to become law. An action plan was then proposed, […]

An employee is leaving the company? Caution!

What’s the right way to do it? The PointPub Media team understands that dismissing an employee is not an easy task, and several factors come into play. Unfortunately, at times, the employee’s collaboration may leave something to be desired. We suggest staying a step or two ahead in case things take a wrong turn. So, […]

What is Cybersecurity?

In definition, Cybersecurity is the set of measures used to ensure the protection of systems, computer data, devices, and networks against cyber threats and attacks. Simple yet effective actions can save you a lot of trouble! Cybersecurity has become essential at all levels. Even if you believe your company is too “small” to attract a […]

“Email Etiquette” – When and How to Use the To, Cc, and Bcc Fields

Sending an email correctly, which means to the right people and knowing when to use the Cc and Bcc fields, should be straightforward. Have you ever received an email in which you were part of a loooong list of recipients, all listed in the To or Cc field, but should have been in Bcc? Or […]

How does the website design process work at PointPub Media?

There can be multiple ways to design a website, whether considering the design or programming aspect. First, in programming, websites can be classified into two major categories: custom websites (with personalized code) and those built on CMS (like WordPress). Focusing on the design aspect (the front end – or what the user sees), numerous stages […]

How to terminate an employee without compromising company information?

Most would agree that “letting go” of an employee is never easy, regardless of the reason: budget cuts, job dissatisfaction, or other factors. The collaboration can end on good or bad terms. It may be better to be one or two steps ahead in case things go wrong. Indeed, an employee often has access to […]

Are your IT infrastructures well protected?

Amid the hustle and bustle of your personal and professional activities, in the day-to-day handling of all the hiccups, the “health” of your infrastructures might sometimes take a backseat. Yet, it should be among your priorities. Otherwise, it could cost you dearly… Those who create viruses, ransomware, and other malicious programs never take a break. […]